About Clinical Canine Massage
Almost all dogs can benefit from clinical massage
Designed to help resolve common muscular issues, and supports orthopaedic and neurological conditions.
Clinical massage can assist dogs to:
1. Recover from surgery or injury,
2. Address conditions such as arthritis or hip/elbow dysplasia,
3. Manage the physical stresses of daily living, such as jumping in and out of the car, or climbing stairs, which may cause your dog to look and feel old before their time;
4. Perform to their full potential, in particular sporting and working dogs.

Restoring elasticity and flexibility
I use four disciplines of clinical massage to restore elasticity and flexibility to the muscles and surrounding connective tissue.
This helps to rehabilitate muscular dysfunction which is causing pain, restricting range of motion, inhibiting movement and affecting posture.
I am looking for and treating strains, trigger points and wide radiating myofascial pain. For an explanation of these please click here

Insurance Cover
As I am a member of the Canine Massage Guild (CMG) your insurance company may cover treatments.
Initial Consultation
The initial session includes a full consultation, with posture and gait analysis, assessment via palpation and a clinical massage. We also discuss daily living activities that may be exacerbating your dog’s muscular conditions.
This initial session will last approximately 1.5 hours. Subsequent treatments will last about 1 hour. The aim is to see results in 1 - 3 sessions, which ideally I would complete over 1 – 3 weeks.
At the end of the treatment programme we will provide a written report to your vet. It may be that we advise that your dog revisits the vet if improvements are not seen within this time. It is possible that a maintenance programme may be recommended in order to continue to optimise your dog’s muscular health.
Please feel free to call and discuss your dog’s requirements in more detail.

Vet Referral
If you feel your dog would benefit from a clinical canine massage, I will require a referral from your veterinary surgeon prior to treating your dog.
This can be downloaded from this website:
or emailed to you, or directly to your vet if you prefer.
To arrange an initial consultation please phone 01963 34251 or email hannah@brookbarnrehab.com.
View Our Facilities
Feel free to come and visit the facilities. If you could phone first to arrange a suitable time I can ensure I am not treating a dog at this time.
I am more than happy to discuss your dog and the treatment options available in person or over the phone on 01963 34251.
Alternatively Contact Us by email.
Muscular Health Check
We offer a comprehensive muscular health check in advance of any treatment plan.